Tuesday, August 25, 2009

it's about death

salam uollss.
xtau ape nak cakap.but,i feel i wanna write sumtin' here.i'm not sure what's it.
aa..aq slalu t'fikir.knape aq slalu menangisi seseorang yg tlh passed away padahal xrapat pn dgn that person.
ade laa dalam 2 3 org.
1.my late grandpa.
2.arwah muadz azhar.
3.mama nash.
4.mak najwani.
kematian org t'dekat mnyebabkan aku lebih appreciate hari2 aq b'same org t'sayang.
yea,i'm just afraid this ramadan would b the last moment i will fasting with my family n friends.who know?n who expect?
aq lebih m'hargai org sekeliling aku,especially my beloved ones.i don't know why,makin hari aku rasa kematian makin dekat.death is coming nearer.
i just blanked.~_~
i hope nothin' bad would happen.especially inside me myself.
tah la.aq just rasa aq ni banyak penyakit,luar n dalam.
(not seluar dalam.:P)
tapi aq slalu b'doa,that i wish my parents sempat tengok aq berjaya bergelar doktor pakar sakit puan yang b'jaya,dan sentiasa mengikut syariat ALLAH swt.ameeeeeen~~ :)
whatever it is,life must go on.no matter what happen,i'll try to survive.
the conclusion is..
*doakan kebahgiaan akuhh*
*dont forget me my friends*
if this is the last post i gonna publish,i apologised to all of u for all wrongs i'd done.
i'm always trying to be perfect,but i believe,nobody's perfect.
*good luck!*
*smile~ :)*
fifa.(purple lover)

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