Tadi orang gi singgah my beloved school, a.K.a sHaMs. Then, tetibe terfikir lak, next year aku akan tinggalkan semua ni. Upset. yea, of course. Sape yang ta suke bile dapat study, gossip, berkampung, sleepin', cheatin', jokin' aroun wif friends, bFf esp. Next year, kita akan membawa haluan masing-masing. Sorang pegi Japan, sorang gi UK, sorang gi Madinah, sorang gi Jordan, sorang gi Korea, sorang gi UIA, sorang gi USIM, sorang gi Ireland, sorang gi London, sorang gi Aussie. Whoa. Ape sume sorang-sorang nih. Hahak. Saje jea nak pisahkan korunk. Hahah.
Trial spm , makin hampir. Cam tarikh kematian pulaks. Hey,who knows? Bila-bila saja buley meninggal. Trial ni menentukan hidup mati seseorang candidate. Ughh. Statement kejam. xD Whatev it is, I gonna spend the remaining days kat skowla wif my bFf and classmates dengan sebaik-baiknya. :)
Hey, I have an announcement laa. Since aku dah enjoy puas-puas dalam masa 2 minggu cuti nih, so I'd like to punish myself laa.How?
Ready girl?
1. No more blogging-blogging. *kesat air materr*
2.No more handphone. *pasrah.*( ala, 1 bulan jea)
3. No more facebook. *nanges*(i need more tissues!)
4.No more junkfoods. *tutup mata* (terrifying!)
5.No more mee sedap. *unbelieveable*
6.No more fun. *shouting* (ini tidak adil. kejamm! )
Huhh. Det's all kot. If ade lagi nanti aku tambah. Ini lah hukumannya akibat daripada jenayah "unlimited enjoy+tido+gelak+internet+henfon" tym cuti. Nahh. Padan muke kaw. Hukuman akan dijalankan bermula next week. Expired date : 2 days b4 my birthday. Dun worry, be happy. Dis is for ur own good. Man jadda wa jada, wa man zara'a hasoda. Take this as a challenge. Kate nak beat si budak sAser and budAk tKC uhh. So, do ya best la kann. Never give up. Hukuman ni dah paling ringan dah ni. Hehe. *pandang tempat lain* (ughh.,tanak kawan.) hahha. :D
People wif goals succeed becuz they know where they're going. Aim as high as possible. Go for the moon. If you don't get it, you'll still be heading for a star! Hidup memang susah. Kalaw hidup senang je manjang , buhsann la nanty. And I want u to knoe det,difficulties increase the nearer we approach the goal. Ramai pepels yang give up bile kejayaan menghampiri mereka.And tak ramai yang sedar akan hal itu. Huhh.
"Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that's where you will find success."
- Thomas J. Watson
ur future is in ur hand. Dah banyak kali kau gagal, and then u woke up. Det's a real meaning of life. Jatuh, bangun seniri laa. N dun worry what others think bout you cuz you are never going to please everyone. Thats it.
Last but not least,success is not a destination, it's a journey. Aim for 11A+. All the best girl.^_^