..signs of qiamat.Qiamat's near.So,remember Allah always.
* Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport
* People will ride on saddles that aren't saddles (cars?)
* The distance on earth will become short
* Horses will not be used in wars
* Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople Istanbul)
* The Jews will gather again to live in Bilad Canaan
* Very tall buildings will be built
* The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing
* Adultery will become widespread, and the drinking of wine will become common
* The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man.
* Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until no one will know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are
* Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure (Aids?)
* People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR (THE DIVINE DECREE OF DESTINY)
* Men will pass by people's graves and say: 'Would that I were in his place'(large amount of sucidal deaths?)
* The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold for which people will fight over (the river of Alfurat that lies near Syria)
* Two large groups of people will fight one another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religion (World War II?)
* Approximately 30 DAJJALS will appear, each one claiming to be the messenger of ALLAH; * Earthquakes will increase
* Time will pass quickly
* Afflictions will appear
* Killing will increase
* Wealth will increase
* Women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes
* When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor; * When a trust becomes a means of making profit;
* When paying ZAKKAT becomes a burden;
* When voices are raised in the mosque;
* When the leader of a people is the worst of them; when people treat a man with respect because what he may do;
* When much wine is drunk; red wind or the earth swallow them, or to be transformed into animals.'
The Quran will disappear in one night, even from the people's hearts, and no Ayah will be left on earth. (Some groups of old people will be left who will say: 'We heard of fathers' saying 'LAILLAHA ILLA ALLAH' so we repeat it);
* The appearance of the MAHDI;
* The appearance of the DAJJAL (Anti Christ);
* The appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj (biblical Gog and Magog);
* Isa ( Jesus ) will come during the time of Dajjal;
* The rising of the sun from the west;
* The destruction of the Ka'ba and the recovery of its treasures;
* The smoke.
If we could get arrested for being a Muslim ,
Would The police have enough evidence to bring us in?
Why is it so hard to tell the truth but yet so easy to tell a lie?
Why are we so sleepy in mosque but right when the prayer is over, we suddenly wake up?
Why is it so hard to talk about Allah but yet so easy to talk about nasty stuff?
Why is it so boring to look at a Islamic Article but yet so easy to look at a nasty one?
Why is it so easy to delete a Godly e-mail but yet we forward all of the nasty ones?
Why the mosques are's getting smaller, but yet the dance clubs are getting larger?
Do you give up? Think about it....Are you going to forward this, or delete it?Just remember- Allah is watching you.Prayer Wheel, Let's see the devil stop this one! Here's what the wheel is all about. When you receive this, say a prayer for the person that sent it to you....There are no costs, but wonderful rewards.... Let's continue praying for one another.As we look at this article we realize how true the Messenger (P.B.U.H) was these signs were prophesized 1400 years ago!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Salam.Bawah ni ada serba sedikit tentang dialog antara Rasulullah S.A.W dgn iblis la'natullah.Hope dpt di jadikan iktibar kpd kita semua.
Diriwayatkan oleh Muadz bin Jabal ra. dari Ibn Abbas ra., ia berkata : ”Kami bersama Rasululah saw berada di rumah seorang sahabat dari golongan Anshar dalam sebuah jamaah. Tiba-tiba, ada yang memanggil dari luar:
“Wahai para penghuni rumah, apakah kalian mengizinkanku masuk, karena kalian membutuhkanku”.
Maka Nabi Muhammad saw bertanya kepada para sahabat : ”Apakah kalian tahu siapa yang menyeru itu?”. Para sahabat menjawab , ”Tentu Allah swt dan Rasul-Nya lebih mengetahui ”. Nabi Muhammad saw berkata : “ia adalah Iblis yang terkutuk – semoga Allah senantiasa melaknatnya”. Umar bin Khattab ra. berkata : ”Ya, Rasulullah, apakah engkau mengizinkanku untuk membunuhnya?”. Nabi Muhammad saw berkata pelan: ”Bersabarlah wahai Umar, apakah engkau tidak tahu bahwa dia termasuk mereka yang tertunda kematiannya sampai waktu yang ditentukan?.
Sekarang silakan bukakan pintu untuknya, karena ia sedang diperintahkan Allah swt. fahamilah apa yang dia ucapkan dan dengarkan apa yang akan dia sampaikan kepada kalian!”.Ibnu Abbas berkata :
“Maka dibukalah pintu, kemudian Iblis masuk ke tengah-tengah kami. Ternyata dia adalah seorang yang sudah tua bangka dan buta sebelah mata. Dagunya berjanggut sebanyak tujuh helai rambut yang panjangnya seperti rambut kuda, kedua kelopak matanya memanjang , kepalanya seperti kepala gajah yang sangat besar, gigi taringnya memanjang keluar seperti taring babi, kedua bibirnya seperti bibir macan/kerbau".
Dia berkata, “Assalamu‘alaika ya Muhammad, assalamu‘alaikum ya jamaa’atal-muslimin”. Nabi SAW menjawab : ”Assamu lillah ya la’iin AKU telah mengetahui, engkau punya keperluan kepada kami. Apa keperluanmu wahai Iblis”.
Iblis berkata : ”Wahai Muhammad, aku datang bukan karena keinginanku sendiri, tetapi aku datang karena terpaksa .”Muhammad saw berkata : ”Apa yang membuatmu terpaksa harus datang kesini, wahai terlaknat?”.
Iblis berkata, ”Aku didatangi oleh seorang malaikat utusan Tuhan Yang Maha Agung, ia berkata kepada-ku ‘Sesungguhnya Allah swt menyuruhmu untuk datang kepada Muhammad saw dalam keadaan hina dan bersahaja. Engkau harus memberitahu kepadanya bagaimana tipu muslihat, godaanmu dan rekayasamu terhadap Bani Adam, bagaimana engkau membujuk dan merayu mereka. Engkau harus menjawab dengan jujur apa saja yang ditanyakan kepa-damu’. Allah swt bersabda, ”Demi kemuliaan dan keagungan-Ku, jika engkau berbohong sekali saja dan tidak berkata benar, niscaya Aku jadikan kamu debu yang dihempas oleh angin dan Aku puaskan musuhmu karena bencana yang menimpamu”. Wahai Muhammad, sekarang aku datang kepadamu sebagaimana aku diperintah. Tanyakanlah kepadaku apa yang kau inginkan. Jika aku tidak memuaskanmu tentang apa yang kamu tanyakan kepadaku, niscaya musuhku akan puas atas musibah yang terjadi padaku. Tiada beban yang lebih berat bagiku daripada leganya musuh-musuhku yang menimpa diriku”.
Nabi Muhammad saw kemudian mulai bertanya : ”Jika kamu jujur, beritahukanlah kepadaku, siapakah orang yang paling kamu benci?”. Iblis menjawab : ”Engkau, wahai Muhammad, engkau adalah makhluk Allah swt yang paling aku benci, dan kemudian orang-orang yang mengikuti agamamu”.
Muhammad saw : ”Siapa lagi yang kamu benci?”.Iblis : ”Anak muda yang takwa, yang menyerahkan jiwanya kepada Allah swt”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Lalu siapa lagi?”. Iblis : ”Orang Alim dan Wara yang saya tahu, lagi penyabar”.Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Lalu, siapa lagi ?”. Iblis : ”Orang yang terus menerus menjaga diri dalam keadaan suci dari kotoran”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Lalu, siapa lagi?”.Iblis : ”Orang miskin yang sabar, yang tidak menceritakan kefakirannya kepada orang lain dan tidak mengadukan keluh-kesahnya “.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Bagaimana kamu tahu bahwa ia itu penyabar?”. Iblis : ”Wahai Muhammad, jika ia mengadukan keluh kesahnya kepada makhluk sesamanya selama tiga hari, Tuhan tidak memasukkan dirinya ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang sabar “.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Lalu, siapa lagi ?”.Iblis : ”Orang kaya yang bersyukur “.Nabi Muhammad saw bertanya : ”Bagaimana kamu tahu bahwa ia bersyukur?”. Iblis : ”Jika aku melihatnya mengambil dari dan meletakkannya pada tempat yang halal”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Bagaimana keadaanmu jika umatku mengerjakan shalat?”. Iblis : ”Aku merasa panas dan gemeNtar”.Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Kenapa, wahai terlaknat?”.Iblis : ”Sesungguhnya, jika seorang hamba bersujud kepada Allah sekali sujud saja, maka Allah mengangkat derajatnya satu tingkat”.
Rassulullah : ”Jika mereka shaum (puasa)?”.Iblis : ”Saya terbelenggu sampai mereka berbuka puasa”. Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Jika mereka menunaikan haji?”.Iblis : ”Saya menjadi gila”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Jika mereka membaca Al Quran?".Iblis : “Aku meleleh seperti timah meleleh di atas api”.Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Jika mereka berzakat?”.Iblis : ”Seakan-akan orang yang berzakat itu mengambil gergaji/kapak dan memotongku menjadi dua”. Nabi Muhammad saw: ”Mengapa begitu, wahai Abu Murrah ?”. Iblis : ”Sesungguhnya ada empat manfaat dalam zakat itu. Pertama, Tuhan menurunkan berkah atas hartanya. Kedua, menjadikan orang yang berzakat disenangi makhluk-Nya yang lain. Ketiga, menjadikan zakatnya sebagai penghalang antara dirinya dengan api neraka. Keempat, dengan zakat, Tuhan mencegah bencana dan malapetaka agar tidak menimpanya”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Apa pendapatmu tentang Abu Bakar?”.Iblis : ”Wahai Muhammad, pada zaman jahiliyah, dia tidak taat kepadaku, bagaimana mungkin dia akan mentaatiku pada masa Islam”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Apa pendapatmu tentang Umar?”.Iblis : ”Demi Tuhan, tiada aku ketemu dengannya kecuali aku lari darinya”.Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Apa pendapatmu tentang Utsman?”.Iblis : ”Aku malu dengan orang yang para malaikat saja malu kepadanya”.
Diriwayatkan oleh Muadz bin Jabal ra. dari Ibn Abbas ra., ia berkata : ”Kami bersama Rasululah saw berada di rumah seorang sahabat dari golongan Anshar dalam sebuah jamaah. Tiba-tiba, ada yang memanggil dari luar:
“Wahai para penghuni rumah, apakah kalian mengizinkanku masuk, karena kalian membutuhkanku”.
Maka Nabi Muhammad saw bertanya kepada para sahabat : ”Apakah kalian tahu siapa yang menyeru itu?”. Para sahabat menjawab , ”Tentu Allah swt dan Rasul-Nya lebih mengetahui ”. Nabi Muhammad saw berkata : “ia adalah Iblis yang terkutuk – semoga Allah senantiasa melaknatnya”. Umar bin Khattab ra. berkata : ”Ya, Rasulullah, apakah engkau mengizinkanku untuk membunuhnya?”. Nabi Muhammad saw berkata pelan: ”Bersabarlah wahai Umar, apakah engkau tidak tahu bahwa dia termasuk mereka yang tertunda kematiannya sampai waktu yang ditentukan?.
Sekarang silakan bukakan pintu untuknya, karena ia sedang diperintahkan Allah swt. fahamilah apa yang dia ucapkan dan dengarkan apa yang akan dia sampaikan kepada kalian!”.Ibnu Abbas berkata :
“Maka dibukalah pintu, kemudian Iblis masuk ke tengah-tengah kami. Ternyata dia adalah seorang yang sudah tua bangka dan buta sebelah mata. Dagunya berjanggut sebanyak tujuh helai rambut yang panjangnya seperti rambut kuda, kedua kelopak matanya memanjang , kepalanya seperti kepala gajah yang sangat besar, gigi taringnya memanjang keluar seperti taring babi, kedua bibirnya seperti bibir macan/kerbau".
Dia berkata, “Assalamu‘alaika ya Muhammad, assalamu‘alaikum ya jamaa’atal-muslimin”. Nabi SAW menjawab : ”Assamu lillah ya la’iin AKU telah mengetahui, engkau punya keperluan kepada kami. Apa keperluanmu wahai Iblis”.
Iblis berkata : ”Wahai Muhammad, aku datang bukan karena keinginanku sendiri, tetapi aku datang karena terpaksa .”Muhammad saw berkata : ”Apa yang membuatmu terpaksa harus datang kesini, wahai terlaknat?”.
Iblis berkata, ”Aku didatangi oleh seorang malaikat utusan Tuhan Yang Maha Agung, ia berkata kepada-ku ‘Sesungguhnya Allah swt menyuruhmu untuk datang kepada Muhammad saw dalam keadaan hina dan bersahaja. Engkau harus memberitahu kepadanya bagaimana tipu muslihat, godaanmu dan rekayasamu terhadap Bani Adam, bagaimana engkau membujuk dan merayu mereka. Engkau harus menjawab dengan jujur apa saja yang ditanyakan kepa-damu’. Allah swt bersabda, ”Demi kemuliaan dan keagungan-Ku, jika engkau berbohong sekali saja dan tidak berkata benar, niscaya Aku jadikan kamu debu yang dihempas oleh angin dan Aku puaskan musuhmu karena bencana yang menimpamu”. Wahai Muhammad, sekarang aku datang kepadamu sebagaimana aku diperintah. Tanyakanlah kepadaku apa yang kau inginkan. Jika aku tidak memuaskanmu tentang apa yang kamu tanyakan kepadaku, niscaya musuhku akan puas atas musibah yang terjadi padaku. Tiada beban yang lebih berat bagiku daripada leganya musuh-musuhku yang menimpa diriku”.
Nabi Muhammad saw kemudian mulai bertanya : ”Jika kamu jujur, beritahukanlah kepadaku, siapakah orang yang paling kamu benci?”. Iblis menjawab : ”Engkau, wahai Muhammad, engkau adalah makhluk Allah swt yang paling aku benci, dan kemudian orang-orang yang mengikuti agamamu”.
Muhammad saw : ”Siapa lagi yang kamu benci?”.Iblis : ”Anak muda yang takwa, yang menyerahkan jiwanya kepada Allah swt”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Lalu siapa lagi?”. Iblis : ”Orang Alim dan Wara yang saya tahu, lagi penyabar”.Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Lalu, siapa lagi ?”. Iblis : ”Orang yang terus menerus menjaga diri dalam keadaan suci dari kotoran”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Lalu, siapa lagi?”.Iblis : ”Orang miskin yang sabar, yang tidak menceritakan kefakirannya kepada orang lain dan tidak mengadukan keluh-kesahnya “.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Bagaimana kamu tahu bahwa ia itu penyabar?”. Iblis : ”Wahai Muhammad, jika ia mengadukan keluh kesahnya kepada makhluk sesamanya selama tiga hari, Tuhan tidak memasukkan dirinya ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang sabar “.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Lalu, siapa lagi ?”.Iblis : ”Orang kaya yang bersyukur “.Nabi Muhammad saw bertanya : ”Bagaimana kamu tahu bahwa ia bersyukur?”. Iblis : ”Jika aku melihatnya mengambil dari dan meletakkannya pada tempat yang halal”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Bagaimana keadaanmu jika umatku mengerjakan shalat?”. Iblis : ”Aku merasa panas dan gemeNtar”.Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Kenapa, wahai terlaknat?”.Iblis : ”Sesungguhnya, jika seorang hamba bersujud kepada Allah sekali sujud saja, maka Allah mengangkat derajatnya satu tingkat”.
Rassulullah : ”Jika mereka shaum (puasa)?”.Iblis : ”Saya terbelenggu sampai mereka berbuka puasa”. Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Jika mereka menunaikan haji?”.Iblis : ”Saya menjadi gila”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Jika mereka membaca Al Quran?".Iblis : “Aku meleleh seperti timah meleleh di atas api”.Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Jika mereka berzakat?”.Iblis : ”Seakan-akan orang yang berzakat itu mengambil gergaji/kapak dan memotongku menjadi dua”. Nabi Muhammad saw: ”Mengapa begitu, wahai Abu Murrah ?”. Iblis : ”Sesungguhnya ada empat manfaat dalam zakat itu. Pertama, Tuhan menurunkan berkah atas hartanya. Kedua, menjadikan orang yang berzakat disenangi makhluk-Nya yang lain. Ketiga, menjadikan zakatnya sebagai penghalang antara dirinya dengan api neraka. Keempat, dengan zakat, Tuhan mencegah bencana dan malapetaka agar tidak menimpanya”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Apa pendapatmu tentang Abu Bakar?”.Iblis : ”Wahai Muhammad, pada zaman jahiliyah, dia tidak taat kepadaku, bagaimana mungkin dia akan mentaatiku pada masa Islam”.
Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Apa pendapatmu tentang Umar?”.Iblis : ”Demi Tuhan, tiada aku ketemu dengannya kecuali aku lari darinya”.Nabi Muhammad saw : ”Apa pendapatmu tentang Utsman?”.Iblis : ”Aku malu dengan orang yang para malaikat saja malu kepadanya”.
*****************THE END*********************
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ampunilah aku Tuhan..

Pada suatu hari,aku sedang bersiap-siap untuk solat berjema'ah dengan famili ku.Senja sudah berlabuh dan matahari sudah terbenam.Tiba-tiba,aku dikejutkan dengan satu berita yang amat menyayat hati dan sangat-sangat aku tak sangka.Ianya tak pernah terlintas sekali pun di dlm fikiranku.
Semasa menuruni tangga sambil membawa turun telekungku,ibuku memberitahu,
"Kawan abang Irshad yang hari tu tu dah meninggal"
Aku terkesima.Dalam hati aku,bermacam-macam andaian muncul.Dengan dahi berkerut,aku bertanya kembali,"Siapa bu?Abang Muadz ke?"
Ibuku mengangguk seraya berkata,"Ha'ah,kawan abang Irshad yang koma hari tu."
Aku terkejut.Aku tak sangka beliau akan meninggal dunia.Tak pernah terfikir Allah akan menarik nyawanya secepat itu.Tapi siapalah aku untuk menentukan bila sampainya ajal sesorang.
Lantas aku menuju ke bilik abangku,abangku sedang bercakap di telefon bimbitnya.Wallahu'alam tak tahu dengan siapa dia berbual.Dia nampak sedih.Aku bertanya adik lelaki ku yang berdiri berhampiran dengan abangku.Dia mengiya kan apa yang aku tanya kan.Aku sebak.Perasaanku berbaur sedih dan terkejut.Aku seperti terkena kejutan eletrik.walaupun aku tak berapa kenal dengan beliau,tapi aku tetap terasa.Bukan aku sahaja,malah rakan-rakan ku yg lain turut merasainya.
Aku menuju ke bilik air untuk mengambil wudhu'.Aku menitiskan air mata.Tak pernah aku mendengar kematian seorang pelajar yang agak hampir dengan ku.Maksudnya,beliau merupakan schoolmate ku.dan yg paling sebak,aku tak sempat melihat wajahnya untuk kali yang terakhir.Aku mengalirkan air mata.Aku tak sangka aku akan menangis mendengar khabar kematian beliau.Setelah itu,aku mengambil air sembahyang dan solat berjemaah.Aku membacakan Yaasin untuk beliau.Aku tak dapat menahan sebak semasa membaca surah al-Mulk dan Yaasin.Aku menangis walaupun aku tak berapa kenal siapa arwah Muadz.Aku sempat bertanya adik perempuanku yang berada di Tingkatan 1 iKram,"Kau tak sedih ke?"
Dia jawab,"Sedih.."
Esoknya,aku melawat jenazah beliau.di masjid berdekatan dengan rumah Pak Lang.Aku tak dapat menahan air mata aku daripada mengalir ketika membaca doa untuk arwah.Aku juga menangis mendengar suara sayu dan sebak ayah arwah Muadz ketika mengimami solat jenazah.Aku tak dapat menahan sebak di dada apabila mendengar ucapan maaf bagi pihak arwah Muadz ketika kami hendak beransur pulang.Dan aku berasa sangat sedih melihat jenazah arwah yg telah selamat dikapankan.Aku tak dapat bayangkan kalau aku berada di tempatnya.Aku bimbang dengan dosa aku yang masih bertimbun dan aku tahu aku masih belum bersedia untuk mati.Ya Allah,ampunilah segala dosa-dosa ku.Kau hidupkan aku dlm ISLAM,jd kau matikan lah aku dalam IMAN.
Alhamdulillah,aku tak pernah mendengar cerita yang tidak baik tentang arwah oleh pelajar2 SHAMS.semuanya yang baik-baik.Semoga beliau tergolong dalam golongan ahli jannah dan para solehiin.amiin..
wonderful moment.
19 April 2009
Assalamualaikum.today,my school ade hari anugerah permata SHAMS n im one of the 'permata'.hehe.trophy n gift were given to those who got 9a's n 8a's in pmr n also 4 spm.Abang Aizuddin who got 13 A1 was also there.i felt quite happy because my friends were there to enjoyy our success together.but i realized,pmr is just nothing.pmr tak menentukan my future especially in spm.teacher zainoriah bnyk kali remind us to not lupa diri because of this 9a's.bkn smue 9a's student yg dpt best result in spm.that's what im scared of.anyway,my formativ1 result was not really bad as i ever thought.bole tahan la.n alhamdulillah,im still in t0p 10 in my class and my target for this sumative1 is top5 in form4 batch.insyaALLAH..
after amek trophy n gift,ktorang bergambar sat.with wana n nisa.saat gmbiire harus d share bersama members.btol x??
atas ni time kat waqaf.yanie la sebok nk ambik gambo.so ape lagi,aku join je la.hohoho.from left:syahira abdullah,yanie.ade ke patot piala tu b'campur aduk.aku dpt yg 8a pny n ade student 8a dpt yg 9a pny.kebetulan syerra dpt yg 9a pny,so aku exchange la ngan die.what a coincidence.huhh.
hahha.gempak la korang.i know,aku akn rindu kn saat ni satu ari nanti.i hope,i'll sit there again with trophy in my hand at 2010,for sPM larr,with my friends to0.ameeeen~
my victory.klu nak di compare kn dgn kak herda's,mmg jaoh la beza dy.tp xpe.just wait and see.yg penting,ive tried my best.n ini la hasil ny.i hope my parents will proud of me.^_^
nisa' yg hebat tekwando,na'iemah yg sweet n ayu mayu,hajar yg suke ketawa(contagious lak tuh.oho,btol x aq spell tuh.watever lor.),riza yg genius,klakar n pendiam,fifa yg comey(uhuk3),n lastly aisyah yg byk ckp,sporting,heppygolucky gurl.however,she's moved to SESERI with wunny.so sad~
Assalamualaikum.today,my school ade hari anugerah permata SHAMS n im one of the 'permata'.hehe.trophy n gift were given to those who got 9a's n 8a's in pmr n also 4 spm.Abang Aizuddin who got 13 A1 was also there.i felt quite happy because my friends were there to enjoyy our success together.but i realized,pmr is just nothing.pmr tak menentukan my future especially in spm.teacher zainoriah bnyk kali remind us to not lupa diri because of this 9a's.bkn smue 9a's student yg dpt best result in spm.that's what im scared of.anyway,my formativ1 result was not really bad as i ever thought.bole tahan la.n alhamdulillah,im still in t0p 10 in my class and my target for this sumative1 is top5 in form4 batch.insyaALLAH..
im happy with my achievement but it's not a great one.n i hope for the best next time.please pray for my success as i'll pray for ur happiness forever n ever,in dis world n hereafter as well.thanks for spending ur time here.appreciate it so much.okay,got2go.dAa~~
Friday, April 3, 2009
MOscow State University


MSU Faculty of Medicine or FBM/FFM MSU (Russian: факультет фундаментальной медицины - ФФМ) is a medical faculty in Moscow State University. Founded in 1992 by an order of the Rector of Moscow State University, Professor V.A.Sadovnichy, FBM MSU is one of the most prestigious institution of higher learning in medicine in Russian Federation.
The medical faculty has a large and distinguished faculty to support its missions of education, research, and clinical care. In addition, FBM MSU collaborates on contractual terms with therapy, surgical and preventive treatment institutes of Ministry of Health and Academy of Medical Sciences, city hospitals and maternity houses. Many departments of FBM MSU function on the basis of research centres and institutes namely RAMS Research Centre of Surgery; RAMS Oncology Research Centre, Cardiology Research Centre; P.A. Priorov Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics; RAMS Research Institute of Eye Diseases; P.A. Herzen Moscow Institute of Oncology; P.K. Anokhin Institute of Human Physiology; Research Institute of Forensic Medicine; RAMS Research Centre of Endocrinology; Research Institute of Phtysiopulmonology; Research Institute of Medical Parasitological and Tropical Medicine.
The medical faculty has a large and distinguished faculty to support its missions of education, research, and clinical care. In addition, FBM MSU collaborates on contractual terms with therapy, surgical and preventive treatment institutes of Ministry of Health and Academy of Medical Sciences, city hospitals and maternity houses. Many departments of FBM MSU function on the basis of research centres and institutes namely RAMS Research Centre of Surgery; RAMS Oncology Research Centre, Cardiology Research Centre; P.A. Priorov Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics; RAMS Research Institute of Eye Diseases; P.A. Herzen Moscow Institute of Oncology; P.K. Anokhin Institute of Human Physiology; Research Institute of Forensic Medicine; RAMS Research Centre of Endocrinology; Research Institute of Phtysiopulmonology; Research Institute of Medical Parasitological and Tropical Medicine.
Prospective students apply to one of two tracks:
*M.D. program (emphasizes on problem-based learning)
*M.D. - Ph.D. program (emphasizes on medical research)
The current dean of the medical school is Professor Vsevolod A. Tkachuk, who is currently a member of Russian Academy of Sciences and of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS).
The faculty mainly composed of twelve departments:
Therapy- Professor V. E. Nonikov (head)
Surgery - RAMS member, Professor N. N. Malinovsky (head)
Pharmacology - Professor O. S. Medvedev (head)
Internal medicine - RAMS member, Professor N. A. Muhin (head)
Obstetrics and Gynecology - RAMS member, Professor G. M. Savelyeva (head)
Multidisciplinary Clinical Training - RAMS member, Professor S. P. Mironov (head)
Normal and Topographical Anatomy - RAMS member, Professor M. R. Sapin (head)
Biological and Medical Chemistry - RAMS member, Professor V. A. Tkachuk (head)
Pathology - RAMS corresponding member, Professor Yu. L. Perov (head)
Physical and Chemical Basis of Medicine - RAMS member, Professor Yu. A. Vladimirov (head)
Ecological and Extreme Medicine - RAS and RAMS member, Professor A. I. Grigoriev (head)
Normal and Pathological Physiology - Professor V. B. Koshelev (head).
Therapy- Professor V. E. Nonikov (head)
Surgery - RAMS member, Professor N. N. Malinovsky (head)
Pharmacology - Professor O. S. Medvedev (head)
Internal medicine - RAMS member, Professor N. A. Muhin (head)
Obstetrics and Gynecology - RAMS member, Professor G. M. Savelyeva (head)
Multidisciplinary Clinical Training - RAMS member, Professor S. P. Mironov (head)
Normal and Topographical Anatomy - RAMS member, Professor M. R. Sapin (head)
Biological and Medical Chemistry - RAMS member, Professor V. A. Tkachuk (head)
Pathology - RAMS corresponding member, Professor Yu. L. Perov (head)
Physical and Chemical Basis of Medicine - RAMS member, Professor Yu. A. Vladimirov (head)
Ecological and Extreme Medicine - RAS and RAMS member, Professor A. I. Grigoriev (head)
Normal and Pathological Physiology - Professor V. B. Koshelev (head).
The faculty is in internationally collaboration with:
*International Medical Association
*German Association for Academic Exchange (DAAD)
*Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan)
*Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
*Regensburg University (Germany)
*National Institutes of Health (USA)
*State University of New York (USA)
*George Mason University (New York, USA)
*Central Clinical Hospital (CKB) under the Administration of the President of Russian Federation *I.M.Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy
*N. I. Pirogov Moscow Medical University.
*International Medical Association
*German Association for Academic Exchange (DAAD)
*Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan)
*Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
*Regensburg University (Germany)
*National Institutes of Health (USA)
*State University of New York (USA)
*George Mason University (New York, USA)
*Central Clinical Hospital (CKB) under the Administration of the President of Russian Federation *I.M.Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy
*N. I. Pirogov Moscow Medical University.
eXam.is not necessary.yeS or nO?

I think most secondary school students in M'sia would agree with me that monthly tests and exams caused a lot of stress.However,we must not 4get that these test n exams are part and parcel of our education system.no matter how much we loathe 'em,we need 'em 2 assess how much we've learnt n 2 evaluate our academic progress.
Indeed that is the main reason y any test is given,or any exam is held.Thru a series of tests n exams,teas(tcers), n examiners can gauge the academic ability of s2dents.Students too can benefit as they'll know their own strengths n weaknesses.At school,their teas point out how they can improve their grades in the tests n tell 'em where they hv gone wrong in their answers.on a national lvel,exams r administered fairly and marking is done without considering race,colour or creed(or set of beliefs).thus,they're d best measure of a s2dent's academic ability n potential.
Tests n exams r also a good goal 2 aim for because nowadays,s2dents face too many distractions(like me!!).If there were no testing system at all,some s2dents would laze the whole day.others would probably learn but this learning would be either haphazardly wide,or else focussed on 1 thing oNly.dis is not good as our future working lives require a variety of specific skills.right?
then,tests n exams taught d s2dents self-discipline n learn how to schedule their day and 2 compete with 'emselves n with others.they also hv 2 think DEEPLY 2 write out their thoughts n to use their brains regularly.
A fairer system of exam testing would b a combination of marks taken during the course of the school year n the final exam score.wif that way,students still learn 4 various tests n exams but they would not be too stressed bcuz they know what they hv achieved thru the year also counts.one more thing,if we live in this world,what we'll gonna do instead of studying?haha.so study smart n dont u ever think that is hard,this is hard.then,everythng will be difficult to do.just take it easy as u'll do better than others.believe me.it happened to me!when others think that that was hard 2 do/make,i just think that's just easy n confidently do that.ok..that's all.all the best k!dAa~~
Thursday, April 2, 2009


Friendship is a most beautiful thing happened to human being. We all meet some people with whom we never had a kinship, but they become so special in our life that it becomes hard to live without them. Let us see some points we should consider while playing a role in friendship. Many poets have described friendship as one of the most fascinating bond we ever make in our life. It's the most beautiful thing that happens to us.
Friendship is a relation that is entirely based on trust, belief of two friends in each other. We come across many things in our lives, about which we do not tell anything to people near and dear to us, but we freely tell everything to our friends. Many people find good friends but they fail to continue with their friendship, because they do not know their role as a friend.Let us see some important points that we should take care of if we wish to be good friend for someone:Be a secrete admirer of your friend:
If your friend is good at something then do not praise him/her in his/her presence. Praising a person for what he/she is good, does not improve his/her qualities, but can cause over-confidence to be induced in him/her, which surely will be harmful for your friend. A good friend should never miss an opportunity to praise his/her friend in front of others when he/she is not around.Don't proved him/her wrong in public:
As it is important not to praise a friend openly in his/her presence, it is also very much important to abstain from proving him/her wrong in front of other people. Take him/her away from the crowd and let him/her know where he/she is wrong. There is no point in proving your friend wrong in other's presence; it will spoil your friend's image in other's view. And additionally your friendship will be in danger. Try to understand your friend:
It is always important to understand what your friend is worried about or what problems he/she is facing. Always try to understand the situation your friend is in and try to soothe him/her. It is evident that if people are undergoing some problems, they will not speak up their problems to their brothers or sisters, they will instead tell everything to their friends. Let your friend speak up, just listen to him/her and be with him/her until your friend does not come out of frustration. Pull Your Friend Away From Making Mistakes:
If your friend is doing something wrong, it is your duty to let him/her know it at earliest. Keep in mind; best friend has to play a role of critic if he/she wants his/her friend to stop doing wrong things. But again keep in mind not to show your friends mistakes in front of other people. Sometimes it is important to understand your friend's intentions behind his/her actions and try to analyze situation, then only you should give your opinion. The Ego Problem:
Never let ego spoil your friendship. It is no reason to be jealous if your friend is not at all able to speak to you and is with someone else, you have to be his/her friend, do not expect word of gratitude from the person you think is your friend. Sometimes there could be a clash between you and your friend, and you both stop talking to each other for some time, it is not at all wrong to speak first and say sorry to your friend, no matter what happens. Try to Teach Good Things:
If you are a true friend, you should never give your hungry friend a fish, instead, you should teach him/her how to fish, this will give your friend food for lifetime. A good friend will never wish his/her friend to be dependent on someone.Do Not Interfere:
Most important point that one should take care of is that your friend has his/her own life and you should not interfere in his/her life. You have a right to tell your friend what is good and what is bad, but you do not have a right to make someone do what you wish. Hope this will help you out solve some of your problems you are facing in friendship.
Friendship is a relation that is entirely based on trust, belief of two friends in each other. We come across many things in our lives, about which we do not tell anything to people near and dear to us, but we freely tell everything to our friends. Many people find good friends but they fail to continue with their friendship, because they do not know their role as a friend.Let us see some important points that we should take care of if we wish to be good friend for someone:Be a secrete admirer of your friend:
If your friend is good at something then do not praise him/her in his/her presence. Praising a person for what he/she is good, does not improve his/her qualities, but can cause over-confidence to be induced in him/her, which surely will be harmful for your friend. A good friend should never miss an opportunity to praise his/her friend in front of others when he/she is not around.Don't proved him/her wrong in public:
As it is important not to praise a friend openly in his/her presence, it is also very much important to abstain from proving him/her wrong in front of other people. Take him/her away from the crowd and let him/her know where he/she is wrong. There is no point in proving your friend wrong in other's presence; it will spoil your friend's image in other's view. And additionally your friendship will be in danger. Try to understand your friend:
It is always important to understand what your friend is worried about or what problems he/she is facing. Always try to understand the situation your friend is in and try to soothe him/her. It is evident that if people are undergoing some problems, they will not speak up their problems to their brothers or sisters, they will instead tell everything to their friends. Let your friend speak up, just listen to him/her and be with him/her until your friend does not come out of frustration. Pull Your Friend Away From Making Mistakes:
If your friend is doing something wrong, it is your duty to let him/her know it at earliest. Keep in mind; best friend has to play a role of critic if he/she wants his/her friend to stop doing wrong things. But again keep in mind not to show your friends mistakes in front of other people. Sometimes it is important to understand your friend's intentions behind his/her actions and try to analyze situation, then only you should give your opinion. The Ego Problem:
Never let ego spoil your friendship. It is no reason to be jealous if your friend is not at all able to speak to you and is with someone else, you have to be his/her friend, do not expect word of gratitude from the person you think is your friend. Sometimes there could be a clash between you and your friend, and you both stop talking to each other for some time, it is not at all wrong to speak first and say sorry to your friend, no matter what happens. Try to Teach Good Things:
If you are a true friend, you should never give your hungry friend a fish, instead, you should teach him/her how to fish, this will give your friend food for lifetime. A good friend will never wish his/her friend to be dependent on someone.Do Not Interfere:
Most important point that one should take care of is that your friend has his/her own life and you should not interfere in his/her life. You have a right to tell your friend what is good and what is bad, but you do not have a right to make someone do what you wish. Hope this will help you out solve some of your problems you are facing in friendship.
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